2021-11-13-Economist Graphs

1. The world this week

1.1 Politics

1.2 Business

1.3 KAL’s cartoon

2. The world this week

2.1 Politics

2.2 Business

2.3 KAL’s cartoon

3. Leaders

3.1 A final choice

The end of life
But too many are still denied this basic freedom

3.2 Putin’s new era of repression

It will lead to confrontation with the West

3.3 War, drought, famine

That means co-operating with the Taliban, as distasteful as that is

3.4 China’s other debt problem

Evergrande and financial contagion
Crony capitalism has flourished among the country’s small and mid-tier banks

3.5 The discreet charm of nuclear power

It makes fighting climate change a lot easier

4. Letters

4.1 On economics, Balkan bridges, Shakespeare, mission statements, hydrogen, Facebook, French, Polexit

Letters to the editor
A selection of correspondence

5. Briefing

5.1 Manacled in Moscow

Russian repression
And Russians across the country are feeling the heat

6. Europe

6.1 Disoriented express

EU railways
It won’t be easy

6.2 Caught at the wire

The Belarus-Poland border
Belarus is shipping Iraqis to the Polish border and trapping them there

6.3 The arc of susceptibility

Coronavirus in eastern Europe
But only where vaccination rates are poor

6.4 Going bananas

Syrians in Turkey
Refugees who ate bananas in a provocative fashion are to be deported

6.5 Minimum wage, maximum rage

A fight about worker pay pits a Scandinavian duo against the rest of the EU

7. Britain

7.1 This time, it’s different

Nuclear power
Rolls-Royce—and Britain’s government—hope so

7.2 Mustn’t grumble

Environmental attitudes
One in the eye for economists

7.3 Groundhog day

The Northern Ireland protocol
Triggering Article 16 would mean testy trade talks—and a risk of no deal

7.4 London’s bridges falling down

It is unclear whom to blame—and that is the reason for the problem

7.5 Spiralling scandal

Under the current rules, they can. Cue controversy

7.6 Off the shelf

What’s missing?
New data published by the Office for National Statistics show patchy problems

7.7 They shall not grow old

War graves
How Fabian Ware transformed the aftermath of war

7.8 Learning from Paterson

The lessons of the latest parliamentary debacle in Britain

8. Middle East & Africa

8.1 No tourist Mecca

Saudi Arabia
Apart from oil, the desert kingdom does not have many unique selling points

8.2 Get two rooms

Prudery in Morocco
No marriage certificate, no room key

8.3 The new predators

Iran’s military tactics
The attempt to kill Iraq’s prime minister highlights how Iran’s unmanned aerial vehicles are changing the military balance in the Middle East

8.4 No farewell to arms

Congo’s militias
It is proving hard to reintegrate them into society

8.5 Time and punishment


9. United States

9.1 Of walls and wobbles

Biden and the border
Democrats have not realised how serious the problem is

9.2 Unlocked

Infrastructure year
Infrastructure year is finally here

9.3 You’re in trouble

The Durham investigation
The special counsel arrests one of the sources of the infamous Steele dossier

9.4 Energy deficient

New nukes
Reaching net-zero targets will be much harder without it

9.5 Latin hex

This looks catastrophic for the left

10. The Americas

10.1 By the book

How to be a dictator (1)
With an approval rating of around 15%, he could not possibly win a fair election

10.2 A family affair

How to be a dictator (2)
His allies in Venezuela, Cuba and Russia supported a fake election

10.3 Following the money

A constitutional amendment marks a return to fiscal incontinence

11. Asia

11.1 Manufacturing a green revolution

Climate and industry
Its industrial centres will have to transform or disappear

11.2 Levelling up

Education in South Asia (1)
It hopes to move away from rote learning and towards actual learning

11.3 Levelling down

Education in South Asia (2)
Teachers and parents worry that English-language skills are being replaced by religious content

11.4 How to get a promotion

Politics in Myanmar
Even former supporters of Aung San Suu Kyi are now in the employ of the regime

11.5 The great board game

Bide one’s time, then show strength

12. China

12.1 The spectral game

State-sponsored hacking
Despite saying it wouldn’t engage in cybertheft, it is ramping up its efforts

Dissent in Hong Kong
The city’s jails are filling up with dissidents

12.3 Why China has a zero-covid policy

Harsh rules will enjoy support, as long as life feels safe for the majority

13. International

Assisted dying
It is raising hard questions and changing how people think about death

14. Business

14.1 Fading stars

Hollywood’s talent wars
Streaming has changed the economics of talent

14.2 Lab rats

Commercial property
Lab landlords are seeking new premises

14.3 The impossible job

An impossible job has become even tougher

14.4 Seal of the realm

China and the pandemic
In business, China is becoming a world unto itself

14.5 Not so general

General Electric
An iconic conglomerate calls time on itself

14.6 Golf’s course

Volkswagen’s labour relations
Volkswagen workers are flexing their muscles

14.7 Virtual world, Inc

The corporate metaverse
Linking the digital and physical worlds could unlock innovation

14.8 The flywheel delusion

The mania over ride-sharing and delivery companies has at times been absurd

15. Finance & economics

15.1 Attack on the tycoons

Chinese banks
It’s not just Evergrande. The rot in China’s banking system goes deeper

15.2 The bitcom boom

Funding crypto ventures
As big investors weigh in, valuations are reaching the stratosphere

15.3 The wrong kind of hot

Inflation in America
How a broad pickup in prices puts pressure on the Fed to raise rates

15.4 Reef relief

Debt-for-nature swaps
It is exchanging one sort of riches for another

15.5 For the duration

The immediacy of cash is a plus when other investments rely on evermore distant earnings

15.6 Home-icide

Free exchange
Lessons for America’s housing market

16. Science & technology

16.1 Knowing the worst

Diagnosing dementia
The world’s health services will struggle to cope with the consequences

16.2 Are the climate goals dead or alive?

The pledges made in Paris seem like they are being left behind

16.3 Perilous plastic

Polyester and nylon seem to be common sources

16.4 Probiotic berries

And still rich in health-promoting compounds

16.5 Pills with promise

The highly effective drugs can be taken as pills

17. Books & arts

17.1 Hear no lies

Dealing with dirty money
They point fingers at governments and “enablers” in the West

17.2 Toil and trouble

Malcolm Gaskill paints a moving portrait of life in Springfield, Massachusetts

17.3 Method in the MADness

The cold war
Martin Sixsmith gets inside the minds of the leaders—and their populations

17.4 The mixing pot

Access to art
The Museum Boijmans van Beuningen’s new building is a marvel, inside and out

17.5 Double trouble

Here’s how to tell which past tense to use

18. Economic & financial indicators

18.1 Economic data, commodities and markets

19. Graphic detail

19.1 Coming clean

Social media
Their data show a bias aiding unreliable media, regardless of ideology, and right-wing political parties

20. Obituary

20.1 Up off the couch

Aaron Beck
The father and developer of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy died on November 1st, aged 100