2021-12-11-Economist Graphs

1. The world this week

1.1 Politics

1.2 Business

1.3 KAL’s cartoon

2. Leaders

2.1 What would America fight for?: If the United States pulls back, the world will become more dangerous

Other democracies must start preparing

2.2 Power off the money printer: America’s economy needs tighter monetary policy

Why the Fed should raise interest rates soon

2.3 Ageing creatively: What the world can learn from Japan

The oldest big country has lessons for those that will soon age and shrink

2.4 Global finance: China courts global capital, on its own terms

It is looking to reduce its dependency on the West, while increasing the West’s dependency on it

2.5 Plugging the gap: The tricky business of charging electric cars

Building public networks will require business and government to work together

3. Letters

3.1 On the size of government, nuclear power, chess, Afghanistan, past tenses: Letters to the editor

A selection of correspondence

4. Europe

4.1 Enter the quiet man: The challenges facing Olaf Scholz as Germany’s chancellor

Managing a three-party coalition will test his powers of patience and persuasion

4.2 Dame de fer: “Two-thirds Merkel, one-third Thatcher”: meet Valérie Pécresse

The French Republican nominee could beat Emmanuel Macron

4.3 Diplomacy with menaces: Joe Biden adopts a tough new tone with Vladimir Putin

But will it be enough to avert another Russian invasion of Ukraine?

4.4 Poldering on: The Dutch style of government: good for dykes, bad for covid

The Netherlands’ consensual “polder model” moves too slowly in a crisis

4.5 Charlemagne: Angela Merkel, the invisible European

The legacy of Europe’s most powerful leader is already fading away

5. Britain

5.1 The revolution stalls: Behind the chaos and scandal of Boris Johnson’s government lies stasis

Two years after a famous election victory, a would-be radical administration has run into the ground

5.2 Cost drivers: A court bashes Uber into compliance—again

The latest blow may mean vast bill for back taxes

5.3 Underlying issues: For the clinically vulnerable, “Freedom Day” has yet to arrive

When will those who have spent 21 months isolating be able to mingle freely again?

5.4 Dual carriageway: Britain is liberalising its listing rules to revive its battered bourse

Companies with dual-class shares will find it easier to raise equity funding

5.5 Bigger inside: Nostalgia and the profit motive have created a market in old phone kiosks

But BT, Britain’s former telecoms monopoly, is not happy

5.6 Santa’s little helpers: The robots are gathering to help beat Britain’s supply-chain shortages

Building automated warehouses

5.7 Bagehot: Britain’s new suburbs are peculiar places

They resemble neither American suburbs nor older British ones

6. Middle East & Africa

6.1 Naturalised selection: The Gulf states offer citizenship to a select group of foreigners

Give us your doctors, your inventors, your huddled scientists

6.2 Fratricidal tendencies: The Muslim Brotherhood is tearing itself apart

Two leaders vie for control of the oldest Islamist movement

6.3 All the president’s promises: Congo’s president has not kept his word

From free schools to peace in the east, Félix Tshisekedi has failed to deliver

6.4 Taking the helm: Africans are winning top jobs at international institutions

Until recently, the continent had been largely sidelined

7. United States

7.1 Money for something: What congressional funding reveals about America’s military priorities

Members are happy to fund hardware, but reluctant to let the Department of Defence make cuts

7.2 SPAC-handed: Donald Trump’s media SPAC is the zeitgeist wrapped in a complex financial instrument

It is also, fittingly, under the investigation of the SEC

7.3 Church and chalk: The Supreme Court seems ready to poke a hole in the church-state wall

Government funding for religious schools gets a high-court hearing

7.4 Man it does show signs of stopping: Late snowfall in the American West is part of pattern

By mid-century, the Pacific states could lose much of their snowpack

7.5 Sunset clauses and budgeting: The Democrats use a loophole to mask the cost of Joe Biden’s big bill

They are following a Republican precedent but making it even messier

7.6 To rent or not to rent: How landlords thwart America’s attempts to house poor people

It is one thing to receive a housing voucher and quite another to successfully use it

7.7 Lexington: How the culture wars can show what’s right with America

The arguments over statues matter more than the statues themselves

8. Briefing

8.1 A weary superpower: The world that the West built after Pearl Harbour is cracking

Not least because America is lukewarm about preserving it

9. The Americas

9.1 A salt and batteries: How Bolivian lithium could help fight climate change

But the country with the world’s largest resources is still struggling to extract them

9.2 Bello: Despite the polls, a centrist could win Colombia’s election in May

Undecided voters may shun Gustavo Petro, a populist of the left

10. Asia

10.1 On a high: South-East Asia is awash in drugs

The coup in Myanmar has helped cartels ramp up production

10.2 Algorithms and the law: Can Facebook be blamed for pogroms against Rohingyas in Myanmar?

Lawsuits in America and Britain seek billions of dollars in damages

10.3 Sunflower state: Many North Korean women outearn their husbands, but still do the chores

Women trade; men do badly paid state jobs

10.4 Tragedy in the Nilgiris: Bipin Rawat, India’s chief of defence staff, is killed in a helicopter crash

He had been tasked with reforming the country’s archaic armed forces

10.5 Banyan: Myanmar’s generals want Aung San Suu Kyi locked up forever

Yet the opposition to their regime has grown far beyond its figurehead

11. China

11.1 Harbouring no malice?: America worries about China’s military ambitions in Africa

China’s navy is eyeing the use of ports abroad, including on the Atlantic

11.2 The chips are down: China wants Macau to break its gambling addiction

Officials are trying to stop the mainland’s high rollers from visiting

11.3 Chaguan: Beijing’s Winter Olympics may hasten China’s break with the West

Diplomatic boycotts over human rights, plus draconian covid controls, spell trouble

12. International

12.1 Car wars: Politicians are sending mixed signals about private car ownership

National leaders are promoting it. Local ones want to curb driving

13. Special report

13.1 Japan: A country that is on the front line

Japan offers the world examples to follow as well as ones not to. It is as relevant as ever, argues Noah Sneider

13.2 Foreign and security policy: Why Japan needs more forceful defence

The strong case for more active and interventionist security and defence policies

13.3 Climate and the environment: Japan has a chequered record on climate change

Prepared for disaster, unprepared for climate change

13.4 Tokyo: The big city that is also pleasant to live in

Surprisingly, the world’s biggest city is also one of its most liveable

13.5 Demography: An ageing country shows others how to manage

Japan has aged faster than anywhere else, but it is learning how to cope

13.6 The economy: Japan’s economy is stronger than many realise

Not bad, but could be better

13.7 Immigration: Letting more migrants in by stealth

From a low base, immigration is growing quite fast

13.8 Looking ahead: The future could be brighter

It could be a lot better with younger and more dynamic political leaders

13.9 Sources and acknowledgments

14. Business

14.1 Current situation: A lack of chargers could stall the electric-vehicle revolution

Forget Tesla’s production hell. The hardest bit of EVs is the powering up

14.2 Bartleby: The shortcuts to Theranos

The trial of Elizabeth Holmes contains lessons for decision-makers of all kinds

14.3 The great reallocation: Want to own shares in Chinese companies?

Come to China

14.4 Psyber Boom: Dramatic growth in mental-health apps has created a risky industry

Customers’ “emotional data” can be hacked, and no one is checking if the apps work

14.5 How can we be heroes?: Why Germany is such tough terrain for food delivery

Complex labour laws, organised labour, pricey workers and stingy consumers all play a part

14.6 Schumpeter: Big business v big labour

American unions are reasserting their power. American companies are working out how to respond

15. Finance & economics

15.1 All mouth and no trousers: Evidence for the “great resignation” is thin on the ground

Job quits are not unusually high

15.2 Only disconnect: The difficulties of policing remote work

Why bans on after-hours calls may not work

15.3 Giving less generously: In word and deed, China is easing economic policy

Both the central bank’s actions and the Politburo’s words point to modest easing

15.4 Emergency exit: Two key questions for the European Central Bank

Will inflation eventually settle at its target, and are asset purchases still useful?

15.5 On the rails: The economics of a new China-Laos train line

Why connectivity matters

15.6 Nominal sums: America is seeing both fast growth and high inflation

What can nominal GDP reveal about the economic recovery?

15.7 Buttonwood: Why the dollar’s ascendancy won’t last

All it takes is a slowdown in America, lower inflation and a Fed pivot

15.8 Crypto’s crew: Crypto lobbying is going ballistic

As regulators toughen up, companies hope to influence where the rules end up

15.9 Free exchange: Why the demographic transition is speeding up

New research suggests “demographic contagion” could explain falling fertility rates

16. Science & technology

16.1 Mouse lemurs: A tiny primate may join the ranks of the world’s model organisms

Lemurs may be better than mice for understanding human disease

16.2 High-tech chickpeas: Chickpeas, a neglected crop, may soon get a high-tech makeover

A new genetic analysis paves the way for smart selective breeding

16.3 Mechanical engineering: How to build machines from liquid metal

Small blobs of liquid-metal alloy can replace troublesome moving parts

16.4 Crowd behaviour: What architects can learn from bull-running

A Spanish tradition offers insight into how crowds behave

17. Books & arts

17.1 Our books of the year: The best books of 2021

Our favourite works considered God, opioids, China and cannibalism

17.2 Staff books of the year: In 2021 our writers considered technology, meritocracy and the trans debate

Not to mention civil liberties, human cognition and the history of Athens

18. Economic & financial indicators

18.1 [Indicators

Economic data, commodities and markets](https://www.economist.com/economic-and-financial-indicators/2021/12/09/economic-data-commodities-and-markets)

19. Graphic detail

19.1 Mixed signals: Early data on Omicron show surging cases but milder symptoms

The variant’s capacity for reinfection appears unprecedented

20. Obituary

20.1 Climbing that hill: Bob Dole believed in hard work, not words

The Republican leader and quintessential Kansan died on December 5th, aged 98