2022-01-29-Economist Graphs

1. The world this week




2. Leaders

2.1 Russia’s roulette: A war in Ukraine could have global consequences

Human suffering, economic shock and a geopolitical realignment

2.2 A turning point: Markets have fallen because the era of free money is coming to an end

Tighter money means financial volatility and economic uncertainty

2.3 Out of mind: Myanmar’s grinding conflict is at risk of being forgotten

Its neighbours should do much more to encourage the generals to change course

2.4 All-consuming: In defence of the consumer welfare standard

Competition policy should promote consumer welfare. But it should do so more competently

2.5 American drugs policy: Psychedelic therapy shows great promise. More states should legalise it

Oregon’s trailblazing sets a fine example

3. Letters

3.1 On Russia and Ukraine, Herbert von Karajan, Galicia, Mexican energy, blockchain, Boris Johnson: Letters to the editor

A selection of correspondence

4. Briefing

4.1 A question the size of an army: What are Vladimir Putin’s military intentions in Ukraine?

Only he can say

5. Europe

5.1 Putin’s energy weapon: How will Europe cope if Russia cuts off its gas?

Better than you might think

5.2 Misplaced sympathy: Germany’s new chancellor dithers in the face of Russia’s threats

But Olaf Scholz is starting to firm up

5.3 Monumental mistakes: As the pandemic raged, Europe bulldozed historic buildings

While people were locked down, their heritage was knocked down

5.4 Road-testing the French dream: Macron’s path to re-election runs through France’s outer suburbs

Swing voters love cars but can’t afford electric ones

5.5 Charlemagne: Peace and order reign in the EU, but seldom near it

Why a rich club has such turbulent neighbours

6. Britain

6.1 Yes man: Boris Johnson, the prime minister who can’t say no

His future depends on his party indulging him, as he has indulged it

6.2 Buzzkill: The Bank of England is determined to prevent a wage-price spiral

Higher inflation is coming. But monetary policymakers are determined to keep it under control

6.3 Brexit and Northern Ireland: Little sign of compromise over the Northern Ireland protocol

Hopes of an early deal are likely to be dashed

6.4 Silver linings playbook: Britain has long been a leader in genome-sequencing

The pandemic has increased its prowess

6.5 State of emergency: Brexit and covid-19 have produced a bigger civil service

It has also become more metropolitan

6.6 The City of London: Britain’s newly listed tech firms are taking a beating

They are suffering far more than their peers elsewhere

6.7 Resident weevil: After more than two decades, Britain is finally rid of termites

Globalisation makes infestations more likely

6.8 Bagehot: Boris Johnson is making boring politics look attractive

All the chaos is putting voters in the mood for calm

7. Middle East & Africa

7.1 The juntas and the hunted: A coup in Burkina Faso will help the Sahel’s jihadists

Military rule will exacerbate the problems that have allowed extremism to thrive

7.2 Market preacher: Uganda’s most influential economist has died

Emmanuel Tumusiime-Mutebile tamed inflation and let markets loose

7.3 UAVs over the UAE: The war in Yemen reaches Abu Dhabi

Drone and missile strikes threaten the UAE’s reputation as a haven of stability

7.4 Jailhouse rocked: A prison battle in Syria was a disaster long foretold

Hundreds of jihadists were left in a poorly guarded prison. What could go wrong?

7.5 Lockdown love: Why some Saudi couples welcomed the pandemic

Covid-19 has made weddings a whole lot cheaper

8. United States

8.1 Vacancy on the Supreme Court: Justice Stephen Breyer retires after almost 28 years on the Supreme Court

Joe Biden has said he will choose a black woman as the liberal jurist’s successor

8.2 New York gun violence: Eric Adams unveils his blueprint to help New York tackle violence

It will involve more than just robust policing

8.3 Insider trading: Claims of insider trading in Washington spur efforts to stop it

A backlash against Capitol gains

8.4 Sports betting: A ballot fight over sports gambling in California has high stakes

Small casinos may well lose out

8.5 Autopsies and covid-19: America’s elected coroners are too often a public-health liability

The politics of death

8.6 Turn on, tune in: Sensible policy on psychedelic drugs is growing more common

They show tremendous potential in treating certain mental-health disorders

8.7 Lexington: Environmental justice in the balance

The case for pursuing civil rights and climate policy in tandem has been oversold

9. The Americas

9.1 Mad existence: The IMF cannot solve Argentina’s dysfunction

Only a change in Argentine policies can wrench the country from its century-long malaise

9.2 Talk talk: What a rare word for “sex” reveals about Brazilian Portuguese

Brazilians innovate by duplicating

9.3 Bello: Russia has become a crucial ally of Venezuela’s dictatorship

Vladimir Putin has propped it up with some 200 agreements

10. Asia

10.1 The enemy of my enemy: Myanmar’s generals have united the country—against themselves

A year since taking power, the junta is fighting on more fronts than ever before

10.2 Khyber crevasse: Afghans are more pessimistic about their future than ever

A new survey paints a grim picture of life under the Taliban

10.3 Demographic dance: How Kazakhstan became more Kazakh

Money for migration changed the face of a nation

10.4 Banyan: How sanctions really can improve respect for human rights

Bangladesh’s elites and security forces are rattled by American measures

11. China

11.1 Faster, higher, bossier: China is determined to make the Winter Olympics go smoothly

It must cope with boycotts, covid and the unexpected

11.2 Chaguan: What China thinks of possible war in Ukraine

Shared hostility to America makes China close to Russia, but cautious

12. International

12.1 Game of chiplomacy: Will China dominate the world of semiconductors?

America and its allies are crafting rules to try to prevent it

13. Technology Quarterly

13.1 Like smartphones, but lethal: The technology of seeing and shooting your enemies

War among the sensors poses new challenges, says Shashank Joshi

13.2 All the targets, all the time: Synthetic-aperture radar is making the Earth’s surface watchable 24/7

Cloud cover and the dark of the Moon matter no more

13.3 See-through seas: Finding submarines is likely to get easier

But it will still be hard, and some waters will remain inviolable

13.4 Lots of signal, lots of noise: Where to process data, and how to add them up

The dark art of data fusion

13.5 Fierce contests: Deception and destruction can still blind the enemy

Many outcomes will still remain uncertain

14. Business

14.1 Rewebbing the net: Will web3 reinvent the internet business?

In parts, yes. But probably not as sweepingly as its boosters reckon

14.2 Ich bin ein coder: What if all workers wrote software, not just the geek elite?

Citizen developers are rapidly becoming the vanguard of corporate digitisation

14.3 In short supply: Why supply-chain problems aren’t going away

Results season shows the financial effects of supply-chain snarl-ups on industrial firms

14.4 Bartleby: Purpose and the employee

Some people want to change the world. But not everyone

14.5 After the party: When will the semiconductor cycle peak?

Busts follow booms in the chip business. Governments could make things worse

14.6 Schumpeter: Lakshmi Mittal transformed steelmaking. Can his son do it again?

Decarbonising steel will require masses of government support

15. Finance & economics

15.1 Forward in fear: The reasons behind the stockmarket turmoil

From Fed tightening to rising wage costs, investors see gloomy prospects ahead

15.2 Material moves: Commodities traders brace for a war in Ukraine

Tight markets mean that prices are all too responsive to rising tensions

15.3 Acquired immunity: How is Omicron affecting the global economic recovery?

High-frequency data suggest the effect may be limited—and short-lived

15.4 Rescue mission: Has Deutsche Bank turned the corner?

Investors seem to think the bank has stabilised at last

15.5 MoneyToks: Personal finance is a hit on TikTok

One survey suggests nearly a quarter of young American investors have used it for financial advice

15.6 Free exchange: Quantitative tightening is no substitute for higher interest rates

Reversing trillions of dollars of asset purchases may prove to be an unreliable tool

16. Science & technology

16.1 eVTOLs: Flying taxis are lining up for certification

A Chinese firm may be first past the post

16.2 Data privacy: The UN is testing technology that processes data confidentially

How to analyse data without revealing their secrets

16.3 Conservation: Save the rhino, save the plant

Sumatran rhinos spread seeds. Without them some plants may vanish

16.4 Photography: A new type of camera

It could prove invaluable for robots, drones and driverless cars

17. Culture

17.1 The reflective screen: A history of the BBC makes for a fine history of the British

Television casts a revealing light on its audience

17.2 Finely spun yarns: In “Worn”, a clothes maven finds out where they come from

Sofi Thanhauser explores the links between producers of cloth and consumers

17.3 Home Entertainment: To understand the Roman empire, read Pliny the Younger

His letters contain fascinating observations on everyday life—and the joys of remote work

17.4 Musical posterity: Handel’s contemporaries shunned “Theodora”. But it is a masterpiece

After more than 270 years, a great oratorio returns to Covent Garden

17.5 Billionaires and inequality: “Davos Man” is a passionate denunciation of the mega-rich

But Peter Goodman overstates his case

17.6 Johnson: Losing native languages is painful. But they can be recovered

In “Memory Speaks”, Julie Sedivy explores both experiences

18. Economic & financial indicators


19. Graphic detail

19.1 Singing in tongues: What Spotify data show about the decline of English

Our interactive analysis of five years of hits in 70 countries—and the links between them

20. Obituary

20.1 The time is now: Thich Nhat Hanh believed that Buddhism should be a force for change

The Vietnamese monk and “father of mindfulness” died on January 22nd, aged 95