2022-02-06-Economist Graphs

1. The world this week




2. Leaders

2.1 How high will central banks go?: Interest rates may have to rise sharply to fight inflation

But the low-rate era is unlikely to come to a permanent end

2.2 Statistically significant: The Economist’s election modelling should cheer Emmanuel Macron

France’s president has a 79% chance of keeping his job

2.3 An icy chasm: Beijing’s Winter Olympics symbolise a world divided

The West has rightly concluded that buttering up China will not make it nicer

2.4 Free speech’s new frontier: What Spotify should learn from the Joe Rogan affair

The content-moderation wars have come to audio

2.5 Wrong man, wrong plan: The British government’s white paper on “levelling up” falls short

It fails to devolve enough power and money

3. Letters

3.1 On vaccine protests, the BBC, curling, quadratic voting, tipping: Letters to the editor

A selection of correspondence

4. Briefing

4.1 Turning Japanese: Why the world is saving too much money for its own good

And why the pandemic is unlikely to change that

5. Europe

5.1 A four-in-five chance: Emmanuel Macron is highly likely to be re-elected as France’s president

The Economist’s election model derives probabilities from the polls and past experience

5.2 Blood hype: Why Ukraine’s president is talking down the threat from Russia

Volodymyr Zelensky’s call for calm rubs America the wrong way

5.3 Who’s next?: As Russia menaces Ukraine, eastern European countries grow nervous

Even relatively friendly countries in the region mistrust Russian expansionism

5.4 Caucasian thaw: The Turkey-Armenia relationship is thawing

But normalisation will not mean reconciliation

5.5 Charlemagne: Southern Europe is reforming itself

The old PIGS are airborne, even as northern countries fall to earth

6. Britain

6.1 Levelling up: The British government’s “levelling up” plans are oddly old-fashioned

Targets, targets everywhere

6.2 Digging deep: A quixotic plan to roll back EU law

It risks greater executive power, and confusion in court

6.3 HP v Autonomy: Mike Lynch has lost Britain’s biggest fraud case

As extradition to America looms, he will not be the only one with regrets

6.4 To infinity and beyond: The government is promising to tackle the NHS backlog

Without proper workforce planning, it will fail

6.5 Scrolling through: The laws are being removed from Parliament

The symbolism is unfortunate; the rationale is sound

6.6 The pandemic generation: Some British children have been changed by covid-19, probably for good

Strangers to mathematics, and to sex

6.7 Bagehot: Sue Gray delivers a first report on those Downing Street parties

Every part of the British establishment has debased itself

7. Middle East & Africa

7.1 Rise and shine: The president of Egypt does a U-turn on economic policy

Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi suddenly wants to empower the private sector

7.2 Grains of wrath: How tensions in Ukraine could rile Egypt

A disruption in the wheat market would cause serious harm to the biggest Arab country

7.3 Pushers and putschists: Guinea-Bissau sees off an attempted coup

The president says it was linked to the powerful drug trade

7.4 Pipe dreams: A big Ugandan oil project is progressing at last

But in a world moving away from oil, does it still make sense?

7.5 A continuing horror: Child rape is far too common in some war-torn African countries

Trauma, social breakdown and impunity all seem to play a role

8. United States

8.1 “Freedom First”: Why Florida is lurching to the right

Ron DeSantis uses his state as a peninsula podium to advertise his policies

8.2 Preschool education: A new study finds preschool can be detrimental to children

But the picture may not be as gloomy as it seems

8.3 Abortion by mail in America: A safe and simple abortion option becomes more readily available

If the Supreme Court ends Roe, the benefits of abortion-by-mail will be even more obvious

8.4 Drought victim: The loneliness of the desert tortoise

A once-abundant species struggles to survive

8.5 Crypto and the far right: The charm of cryptocurrencies for white supremacists

White power, dark money

8.6 The US census: America is stagnating—demographically, that is

A decline in birth rate and immigration is making the country more European

8.7 Lexington: America is uniting against Vladimir Putin

Republicans are playing a more constructive role in the Ukraine crisis than Donald Trump must like

9. The Americas

9.1 Aiding and abetting: Foreign aid has done little to help Haiti

By avoiding giving the government money, donors undermine it

9.2 A populist turn: Erin O’Toole is voted out as Canada’s Conservative leader

A week after protests in Ottawa, it suggests that a new kind of right wing is ascendant

9.3 Bello: Argentina’s Peronists squabble over an agreement with the IMF

Even after two years of negotiations, the government still has a way to go

10. Asia

10.1 Out of office: South-East Asia’s tourism industry is hobbled by uncertainty

Labour shortages and changing border rules are causing chaos for businesses

10.2 Forest grumps: India’s government and its greens disagree on what counts as forest

An official report includes plantations and parks in its measure

10.3 A nation of holdouts: Papua New Guinea’s vaccination rate is only 3.3%

Online misinformation, like covid-19, reaches even the remotest places

10.4 New year fireworks: What is behind North Korea’s flurry of missile tests?

Kim Jong Un fired more rockets in January than any month on record

10.5 Mujin tonic: Japan is searching for the secrets to healthy old age

Living longer is of little use if the extra years are spent in bed

10.6 Banyan: Myanmar’s generals have a dubious role model in Thailand

One’s stagnation is better than the other’s disintegration, but that is a low bar

11. China

11.1 Virtual state of control: Building a metaverse with Chinese characteristics

The Communist Party may see it as an area it can beat the West

11.2 Not home for the holidays: Chinese New Year is disrupted for a third year

And the economy is feeling the pinch

11.3 Chaguan: Nixon’s visit to China, 50 years on

Eye-witnesses from 1972 offer their views of a relationship in bad shape

12. International

12.1 Just keep us alive: Covid-19 has pushed governments to find new ways to help the poor

Even some of the least developed countries are experimenting

13. Business

13.1 We’re hiring: How America’s talent wars are reshaping business

The labour shortages are forcing firms to get creative

13.2 Depopulation pressure: How German companies court employees

The pandemic has exacerbated the long-term problem of a shrinking workforce

13.3 The hills are alive: China’s ski industry faces an avalanche of risks

Developers have ploughed mountains of money into the snow business. Will it melt away?

13.4 Don’t know what you’ve got ’til it’s gone: Spotify, Joe Rogan and the Wild West of online audio

Streamers look increasingly like social media, but without the content controls

13.5 Bartleby: Body language in the post-pandemic workplace

Much of the research into non-verbal communication is now redundant

13.6 Schumpeter: How Sony can make a comeback in the console wars

It could be an Epic battle

14. Finance & economics

14.1 The urge to splurge: Why the impressive pace of investment growth looks likely to endure

Supply chains, technological change and climate targets will all demand more capital spending in the 2020s

14.2 Taking aim: America prepares the “mother of all sanctions” against Russia

How much would they hurt?

14.3 A slippery patch: OPEC grapples with a precariously balanced oil market

Geopolitical drama and a tight market mean that a price of $100 per barrel could be on the cards

14.4 The bill balloons: The global interest bill is about to jump

The world paid $10trn in interest last year. As rates begin to rise, we work out where the bill might go

14.5 The tiger roars: Why India’s stockmarket is roaring

After a desultory decade, profits are expected to surge

14.6 Buttonwood: Why stockmarket jitters have not so far spread to the credit market

Bond-holders tend to be less starry-eyed than stock investors. Still, there are reasons to be watchful

14.7 Free exchange: China may soon become a high-income country

Has it truly escaped the middle-income trap?

15. Science & technology

15.1 Faster, higher, stronger: Why space is about to enter its nuclear age

Fission-powered engines would make satellites speedier and more manoeuvrable

15.2 Scientific publishing: Preprints on the coronavirus have been impressively reliable

The case for publishing in expensive, restrictive scientific journals continues to weaken

15.3 Trypanophobics rejoice!: A new way to deliver delicate drugs, no jabbing required

It will be a relief for anyone who has a distaste for needles

15.4 Climate change: Targeting methane “ultra-emitters” could cheaply slow climate change

Patching up leaky oil-and-gas works across the world would be a good place to start

16. Culture

16.1 The megaphone and the muzzle: A history of free expression charts its seesawing progress

Repression leads to liberalisation and vice versa, says Jacob Mchangama

16.2 The undiscovered country: “This Mortal Coil” is a surprisingly upbeat history of death

Andrew Doig’s study of how people die is a story of human ingenuity

16.3 The house always wins: Wall Street was the real winner of the GameStop saga

Says Spencer Jakab in “The Revolution That Wasn’t”

16.4 World in a dish: Lucky new-year foods embody a benign view of good fortune

Steam a fish for abundance, and make sure there are leftovers

16.5 Playground culture: Covid-19 has given children new words and ideas to play with

The pandemic has made play at once more modern and more old-fashioned

16.6 Back Story: “Taras Bulba” and the tragedy of Russia and Ukraine

Literature offers a better way to think about their vexed relations

17. Economic & financial indicators


18. Graphic detail

18.1 Elysian stakes: How we forecast the French election

We reveal our statistical model—and how it works

19. Obituary

19.1 To sea in a barrel: Jean-Jacques Savin wanted to defy old age

The intrepid adventurer died on January 21st while rowing solo across the Atlantic, aged 75