2022-03-12-Economist Graphs

1. The world this week




2. Leaders

2.1 Vladimir Putin’s dictatorship: The Stalinisation of Russia

As it sinks in that he cannot win in Ukraine, Vladimir Putin is resorting to repression at home

2.2 Fuel, food and fury: War and sanctions have caused commodities chaos

The world must rise to the challenge

2.3 Sanctions: Will China offer Russia financial help?

A bit. But it will mostly seek to learn from Russia’s mistakes

2.4 Britain and Ukraine: The British government’s response to Ukrainian refugees is sadly typical

Just ask an Afghan

2.5 From prosecutor to president: South Korea’s new leader must restore his citizens’ faith in politics

After Yoon Suk-yeol’s narrow victory, time to stop the mudslinging

3. Letters

3.1 On Cambodian diplomacy, green subsidies, “Peaky Blinders”, Keynes, Colorado, nutritional ratings, robots, video meetings: Letters to the editor

A selection of correspondence

4. By Invitation






5. Briefing

5.1 Occupation? No thanks!: Russian soldiers expecting to be welcomed to Ukraine were soon disabused

Now things are turning nastier

5.2 The great leap backward: Vladimir Putin is pushing Russia into the past

Maybe by a generation, maybe by a century

6. Europe

6.1 The frontline state: Why Poland has become NATO’s linchpin in the war in Ukraine

The West no longer dismisses its warnings about Russia

6.2 The compromise candidate: Meet Turkish President Erdogan’s presumptive challenger

Kemal Kilicdaroglu might make a better president than he does a campaigner

6.3 Political boosters: Hungary’s government uses anti-covid campaigns for propaganda

Viktor Orban’s party uses a vaccination database as an email list

6.4 Paris grudge match: Marine Le Pen hopes for another face-off against Emmanuel Macron

The populist’s third try at France’s presidency is unlikely to succeed

6.5 Charlemagne: Europe is doing a good job helping refugees from Ukraine

But the road ahead will be long

7. Britain

7.1 No more manic Mondays: Two years on, Britain’s capital has recovered from covid-19

In some ways, Brexit has helped

7.2 Failure to launch: Britain’s government bailed out OneWeb in 2020. Now it’s in trouble

Losing access to Russian launchpads is a big blow for the satellite-internet company

7.3 Too close for comfort: Body cameras are moving into British retail

The pandemic saw a rise in customers harassing staff

7.4 Big employer is watching you: Companies are spying on job candidates online

Online vetting is spreading—and worrying

7.5 Twists and turns: Higher inflation is raising the cost of servicing Britain’s government debt

The overall effect on the public finances is complicated

7.6 Language lessons: Chinese money is pouring into British universities

Critics claim it comes at the cost of free speech

7.7 Bagehot: The Conservatives are planning to overhaul the Human Rights Act

Prepare for Brexit: the sequel

8. Middle East & Africa

8.1 Bread and oil: How the invasion of Ukraine will spread hunger in the Middle East and Africa

By raising the price of food and fuel, Vladimir Putin’s war will cause misery and unrest

8.2 Dashing dishdashas: Why Omanis are required to dress up

Their sultan wants to maintain sartorial standards

8.3 Nostalgia and Kalashnikovs: Why Russia wins some sympathy in Africa and the Middle East

But countries in the region will try to avoid choosing between it and the West

8.4 Holidays near hell: Lamu, a beautiful Kenyan tourist bubble surrounded by pins

Locals are wary of jihadists, drugs and modernity

9. United States

9.1 The pandemic, two years on: Taking stock as America moves into a new phase of the pandemic

Planning for the future should involve a frank look at the country’s poor performance over the past two years

9.2 The Golden State’s housing shortage: California’s efforts to house more people have fallen short

A fiasco at UC Berkeley is merely the latest evidence of deep troubles

9.3 Genetic testing for pets: Americans are testing their dogs’ DNA, with some remarkable results

The practice is becoming increasingly popular

9.4 Chicagoland politics: The Michael Madigan indictment is evidence of the turn against patronage

Old-school politics in Chicago is not yet dead, but it is in decline

9.5 A tale of two cities: What Buckeye and Youngstown say about America’s economy

A boom town and a bust town show surprising signs of convergence

9.6 Lexington: Joe Biden’s indispensable leadership

The administration has played a weak diplomatic hand on Ukraine skilfully. But the crisis is only beginning

10. The Americas

10.1 Many shades of pink: A new group of left-wing presidents takes over in Latin America

They have more differences than similarities

11. Asia

11.1 Abstemious to a fault: Why won’t India’s government condemn Vladimir Putin?

It thinks it has more to lose from alienating him than from annoying the West

11.2 Extreme no more: Australia is battered by catastrophic floods

Freakish weather is becoming increasingly common

11.3 Wishy-washy victory: Yoon Suk-yeol will be the next president of South Korea

He was elected in the closest race in his country’s democratic history

11.4 Uttar domination: Narendra Modi’s party triumphs in India’s bellwether state

The Bharatiya Janata Party holds on to Uttar Pradesh, while Congress collapses in Punjab

11.5 Banyan: It is getting harder for small states to balance great powers

A decade-long saga in Nepal shows the difficulty of keeping everyone happy

12. China

12.1 Shaking the money tree: To meet its ambitious growth target, China turns to stimulus

But it’s the stealthy sort

12.2 Brave voices: Some Chinese are daring to criticise Russia

Nationalist trolls and a stifling state would rather they did not

12.3 Redefining zero: China’s scientists are looking for a way out of the zero-covid policy

Politicians will have the ultimate say. Omicron may force them to act

12.4 About face: China is clamping down on food waste

Clean your plate, says the state

12.5 Chaguan: Xi Jinping places a bet on Russia

China’s backing for Vladimir Putin’s war is all about its contest with America

13. Business

13.1 The travelling-salesman problem: Amid Russia’s war, America Inc reckons with the promise and peril of foreign markets

Multinational companies grapple with a fracturing world

13.2 Flight risk: Sanctions on Russian aviation are a burden for Western firms

And could prove devastating for Aeroflot and other Russian airlines

13.3 Bartleby: The return of the crowded office

It will take time to readjust to the presence of real-life colleagues

13.4 Work life in balance: Is hybrid work the worst of both worlds?

Evidence is piling up that it might not be

13.5 The glass-ceiling index: How the pandemic has affected working women

More women are climbing the corporate ladder. But more are also dropping off it

13.6 Schumpeter: It’s not easy being an oligarch

What makes you a plutocrat can also bring you down

14. Finance & economics

14.1 Barrelled over: Can the world cope without Russia’s huge commodity stash?

High prices will outlast the war

14.2 Grain damage: War in Ukraine will cripple global food markets

The share of incomes spent on staples is about to jump everywhere

14.3 Pipe dream: Russia looks to Chinese financial plumbing to keep money flowing

It isn’t connected to the world well enough to help much

14.4 War bonds: Western credit markets are holding up remarkably well

Post-financial-crisis reforms are helping them weather the storm

14.5 Buttonwood: Iran’s flourishing stockmarket reflects its resilient economy

The economy was hurt badly by sanctions but did not collapse

14.6 The makers and the takers: Our crony-capitalism index offers a window into Russia’s billionaire wealth

Rich folk in autocratic countries remain vulnerable to the whims of dictators

14.7 Free exchange: How oil shocks have become less shocking

Soaring crude prices stoke fears of recession, but the global economy looks resilient

15. Science & technology

15.1 Improvised weapons: Makeshift arms are pouring out of Ukraine’s ateliers

They will make life unpleasant for the invaders

15.2 Communications in a war zone: Technologies old and new keep Ukrainians in touch with the world

Battery radios and satellite internet both have jobs to do

15.3 Medical technology: An artificial nose may be able to detect Parkinson’s disease early

The inspiration came from the strange case of a retired nurse

15.4 Underwater archaeology: The wreck of Endurance has been located

She lies 1,600 fathoms down in the Weddell Sea

16. Culture

16.1 A brief history of Londongrad: A new book shows how Britain came to welcome dirty money

In “Butler to the World”, Oliver Bullough calls for principles over profit

16.2 Home Entertainment: “Hunters in the Snow” is an immortal depiction of winter

Pieter Bruegel’s painting is at once icy and vibrant

16.3 Ottoman history: In “The Lion House”, Suleiman the Magnificent comes to life

Christopher de Bellaigue’s book reveals the allure and burden of power

16.4 Neuroscience pioneers: A new biography of the “father of the neuron”

Santiago Ramón y Cajal was a “peasant genius” who won a Nobel prize

16.5 Reflections from Ukraine: “Lucky Breaks” features a different kind of Ukrainian hero

Yevgenia Belorusets offers embroidery in place of sculpture, a document not a monument

16.6 Johnson: Rules for teaching grammar in schools

It may not make children better writers. But it is valuable all the same

17. Economic & financial indicators


18. Graphic detail

18.1 A house divided: The war in Ukraine has made Russian social-media users glum

Posts on Twitter are far sadder today than at the start of the covid-19 pandemic

19. Obituary

19.1 The blond bombshell: Shane Warne believed that cricket should always be fun

The best-ever leg-break bowler died on March 4th, aged 52