2022-04-09-Economist Graphs

1. The world this week




2. Leaders

2.1 France votes: Why Macron matters

France’s president presents a cautionary tale for centrists everywhere

2.2 Atrocities in Ukraine: Russian war criminals may never be brought to justice

Investigate and charge them all the same

2.3 Recession roulette: A toxic mix of recession risks hangs over the world economy

American inflation, Europe’s energy crisis and China’s Omicron outbreak threaten the world economy with a downturn

2.4 Imaginary hobgoblins: Fearmongering works. Fans of the truth should fear it

In Hungary, Russia, Pakistan and France, leaders lie to scare people into supporting them

2.5 After the smartphone: Silicon Valley’s search for the next big tech platform

The smartphone era is fading. What next?

3. Letters

3.1 On gay people in Florida, Hollywood, oligarchs, the Falklands war, school closures, exchange rates, Europe: Letters to the editor

A selection of correspondence

4. By Invitation




5. Briefing

5.1 Beating the hard right: France looks likely to re-elect Emmanuel Macron

But his race against Marine Le Pen is a lot closer than it was last time

6. Europe

6.1 After the battle: As Russian soldiers retreat, they leave evidence of war crimes

A culture of violence pervades the invading army

6.2 The turning tide: Ukraine sees a window of opportunity to push Russia back

But a long struggle looms in the east

6.3 From battleground to playground: How Polish schools are coping with an influx of Ukrainian children

It’s hard, but the young refugees are better off than those fleeing other conflicts

6.4 Having it both ways: How Turkey is courting Russia’s oligarchs

It sells arms to Ukraine while welcoming Russian cash

6.5 Hungary likes the wolf: Viktor Orban’s victory is a triumph for illiberal nationalism

After an unfair fight, the opposition parties start to blame each other

6.6 Charlemagne: Europe is learning to cope with Viktor Orban

The strongman matters less and less outside Hungary

7. Britain

7.1 Immigration patterns: Britain has entered a third phase of post-war immigration

The first was post-colonial, the second European. This one is global and middle-class

7.2 Bluer, greener: Making deliveries via the Thames

Barges and boats instead of vans and lorries?

7.3 Buy now, pray later: Britons’ use of consumer credit is rising with the cost of living

That makes robust regulation more urgent

7.4 The attorney-general: Suella Braverman, a Johnsonian lawyer

The British government’s chief legal adviser thinks the judiciary needs reining in

7.5 A great British sell-off?: Channel 4

7.6 Putting asunder: No-fault divorce begins this week in England and Wales

The marital blame game is finally ending

7.7 Bagehot: The cruelty of the British state

Voters upset by the treatment of Ukrainian refugees are getting what they asked for

8. Middle East & Africa

8.1 After the tyrant: Sudan faces collapse three years after the fall of its dictator

Two coups have left the country broke and its people furious

8.2 Wine and punishment: Lawyers debate the secret debts that bankrupted Mozambique

A mega-scandal sparks court cases on three continents

8.3 Of keys and patriarchy: Why single women in Egypt find it hard to rent a flat

Scandalised landlords ask intrusive questions

8.4 Smashed and forgotten: The tragedy of Benghazi, Libya’s second city

No one seems willing or able to rebuild it

8.5 Squeezing the wrong people: Arab governments are putting more taxes on the poor

Some collect more than half their tax revenue from regressive levies

9. United States

9.1 Fields of gold: Why an agricultural boom does not help rural America

Farms are ever more profitable, but employ fewer workers

9.2 The 116th justice: Ketanji Brown Jackson is confirmed to America’s Supreme Court

But only three Republican senators joined the Democratic caucus in voting for the court’s first black female justice

9.3 Trade unions in America: Amazon has its first union, but lots more are unlikely to follow

The worker-led success on Staten Island will be hard to replicate

9.4 The opioid epidemic: Black Americans have overtaken white victims in opioid death rates

The reasons for a lethal shift

9.5 Not pumped up: Self-service petrol stations hit a roadblock in New Jersey

For 73 years, New Jerseyans have been banned from pumping their own petrol. They like it that way

The battlegrounds of the baby business

9.7 Lexington: Bill Burns and the bear

The CIA director is at the heart of the administration’s capable Ukraine effort

10. The Americas

10.1 Villain or victim?: Hailed as a saviour, derided as a thief, Lula is back

Brazil’s election may turn on whether voters trust their former president

11. Asia

11.1 Lights out: Sri Lanka’s economic crisis has created a political one

The government has no majority, no cabinet and no public support

11.2 Not cricket: Imran Khan is trying every trick in the book to stay in power

Pakistan’s prime minister has pitched his country into a constitutional crisis

11.3 Banyan: India’s vaunted strategic autonomy is a mirage

The country remains economically and militarily dependent on outsiders

11.4 Meanwhile in the Indo-Pacific: AUKUS, a strategic submarine pact, turns to missiles

America, Australia and Britain will co-operate on hypersonic missiles

11.5 Bursting into Hwasong: North Korea is testing ICBMs again. Nuclear weapons may be next

A heated exchange between the two Koreas hints at rising tensions

12. China

12.1 Shanghai swoons: A clumsy lockdown of Shanghai is testing the “zero-covid” strategy

Short of food and medicine, residents of China’s financial hub are growing angry

12.2 A new sheriff in town: John Lee, a tough former policeman, looks set to lead Hong Kong

It is easy to see why China’s Communist Party would like him

12.3 A big appetite: When China worries about food, the world pays

Critics accuse it of hoarding grain

12.4 Chaguan: Don’t underestimate Xi Jinping’s bond with Vladimir Putin

Shared security concerns bring China and Russia close. But so do similar views of history

13. International

13.1 Vladimir’s army: Russia’s brutal mercenaries probably won’t matter much in Ukraine

But they continue to prop up strongmen elsewhere

14. Business

14.1 Seeing and believing: From Apple to Google, big tech is building VR and AR headsets

They might just be the next big platform after the smartphone

14.2 Degrees of unconcern: How MBA-wielding bosses boost profits

Not by increasing sales, investment or productivity

14.3 Another Musk-have: Is investing in Twitter a meme too far for Elon Musk?

The self-styled Technoking may be overextending himself

14.4 In search of an ending: Bain Capital buying Toshiba could be a big deal for Japan

America’s private-equity barons circle one of the country’s fading corporate jewels

14.5 Double-entry book-keeping: China’s regulators warm to American listings

That may not be enough for American investors to warm to Chinese shares

14.6 Bartleby: How to make hybrid work a success

Clarity of expectations is the key

14.7 Schumpeter: Save globalisation! Buy a Chinese EV

Electric cars can help stop the world from decoupling

15. Finance & economics

15.1 Too much of a good thing: Are labour markets in the rich world too tight?

Certainly in America, and probably elsewhere

15.2 Balance-sheet manoeuvres: The Federal Reserve prepares for quantitative tightening

Goodbye, QE. Hello, QT

15.3 FOMO froth: The American property market is once again looking bubbly

Soaring mortgage rates have yet to cool exuberant demand

15.4 Buttonwood: Bonds signal recession. Stocks have been buoyant. What gives?

Stocks may have been ahead of bonds on inflation risk

15.5 Looking in the side-mirror: Omicron is dealing a big blow to China’s economy

For a timely take, analysts are turning to unconventional indicators

15.6 A house united: HDFC Bank’s merger marks a milestone for India

The new entity will be one of the world’s biggest banks by market valuation

15.7 Not so sterling: Has the pound become emerging-market money?

Why the British currency has become more vulnerable to crises—and strangely popular

15.8 Free exchange: China has a celebrated history of policy experiments

Still, researchers find it could improve how it does them

16. Science & technology

16.1 Tick, tick, tick: The latest IPCC report argues that stabilising the climate will require fast action

Emissions must peak by 2025 for the world to have a chance of meeting the Paris goals

16.2 Frames of mind: The first reference charts for the human brain have been completed

They could become a useful tool in tracking healthy (and unhealthy) ageing

16.3 Universal smells: Around the world, people like (and dislike) the same scents

Unlike visual preferences, the appreciation of smells crosses cultures

16.4 Bird-swatching: Songbirds get more colourful the closer they live to the equator

A 19th-century hypothesis confirmed at last

17. Culture

17.1 Time v the machine: When Albert Einstein and Henri Bergson rowed about time

A century later, the dispute between the physicist and the philosopher still resonates

17.2 New American fiction: Like Faulkner’s, Susan Straight’s fiction creates its own universe

In “Mecca” she brings to life the working people of southern California

17.3 Authoritarian leaders: The rise and risks of “The Age of the Strongman”

Genuine democracies should have seen the strongmen coming, says Gideon Rachman

17.4 Home Entertainment: Glenn Gould’s radio documentaries are still mesmerising

Listen to his ground-breaking “Solitude Trilogy” in a quiet moment of peace

17.5 Children’s news: How do you explain war to a six-year-old?

News outlets for youngsters grapple with events in Ukraine

17.6 Johnson: As the scale of science expands, so does the language of prefixes

Giga- and nano- are not the final frontier

18. Economic & financial indicators


19. Graphic detail

19.1 A tale of two surges: Asia’s outbreaks show that Omicron is deadly in unvaccinated people

Covid has never spread faster than in recent surges in Hong Kong and South Korea

20. Obituary

20.1 Man and myth: Mario Terán was the man sent to kill Che Guevara

The Bolivian soldier died on March 10th, aged 80