2022-10-19-Economist Graphs

1. The world this week

1.1 Politics

1.2 Business

1.3 KAL’s cartoon

2. Leaders

2.1 Welcome to Britaly

2.2 House-price horror show

2.3 Defying the odds

2.4 India’s next green revolution

2.5 Set patients free

3. Letters

3.1 On church bells, Detroit, Jair Bolsonaro, Armenia and Azerbaijan, management consultants

4. By Invitation

4.1 Research co-operation pays dividends far beyond academia, argues Henry Huiyao Wang

4.2 Ruy Teixeira asks whether America has reached “peak woke”

5. Briefing

5.1 Skunk no more

6. Europe

6.1 Shooting Shaheds

6.2 The Kremlin’s empty lobby

6.3 The Kramatorsk express is back

6.4 Red roses…and artillery

6.5 Not so easy

6.6 Fetchez the barricades!

7. Britain

7.1 Who runs Britain now?

7.2 Abacus economics

7.3 Low-growth gang

7.4 Dashed dreams

7.5 Carbon capture

7.6 Step by step

7.7 Meet the man in charge

8. United States

8.1 Unpacific

8.2 Skewed samples

8.3 Compendium of crazy

8.4 Draught me in

8.5 What’s in a name?

8.6 How high?

8.7 Frenemy mine

9. Middle East & Africa

9.1 The long goodbye?

9.2 The ayatollahs dither amid the fire

9.3 We want to stay at school

9.4 The murky side of the rainbow nation

10. The Americas

10.1 Missing the samba beat

10.2 A modern inferno

11. Asia

11.1 Tactical advantage

11.2 Recusal of service

11.4 Getting real

11.5 Tightrope act

12. China

12.1 Heir unapparent

12.2 Xi’s word counts

12.3 Moving to mid-levels

12.4 Aggressive to a fault

12.5 No turning back

13. International

13.1 Sabotage at sea

14. Business

14.1 Reality bites

14.2 The silicon squeeze

14.3 100% proof

14.4 Fodder for the FTC

14.5 Walking in employees’ shoes

14.6 Where’s the war bounty?

15. Finance & economics

15.1 The crack-up

15.2 Stick to Manhattan

15.3 The moron risk premium

15.4 The long march back

15.5 How’s your luck?

16. Science & technology

16.1 The need for a clear head

16.2 Read my LIPs

16.3 The most powerful flash yet seen in the sky was recorded on October 9th

16.4 Highland clans

16.5 Know your boundaries

17. Culture

17.1 Medicis 2.0

17.2 War without war

17.3 A woman’s place

17.4 Hacked off

17.5 Say no more

18. Economic & financial indicators

18.1 Economic data, commodities and markets

19. Graphic detail

19.1 A tale of two pandemics

20. The Economist explains

20.1 How America’s midterms could reshape the courts

20.2 Will Russia’s drone attacks change the war in Ukraine?

21. Obituary

21.1 The man who said no