2024-02-08-Economist Graphs

1. The world this week

1.1 Politics

1.2 Business

1.3 KAL’s cartoon

1.4 The world this week: This week’s covers

How we saw the world

2. Leaders

2.1 Leaders | Weapons systems: Killer drones pioneered in Ukraine are the weapons of the future

They are reshaping the balance between humans and technology in war

2.2 Leaders | China’s confidence shock : Has Xi Jinping lost control of the markets?

As a property crisis drags the economy into deflation, confidence is seeping away

2.3 Leaders | The arsenal of hypocrisy: House Republicans are helping Vladimir Putin

Their cynicism over Ukraine weakens America and makes the world less safe

2.4 Leaders | What happens when populists lose : Donald Tusk tries to restore Poland’s rule of law

Repairing the damage done by the last government will take grit and patience

2.5 Leaders | Indonesia’s election: What Jokowi’s inglorious exit means for Indonesia

The outgoing president is playing kingmaker to a controversial ex-general

3. Letters

3.1 Letters | On China and Taiwan, royalty, artificial intelligence, activist investors, philanthropy, retirement : Letters to the editor

A selection of correspondence

4. By Invitation

4.1 By Invitation | Indonesia’s election: A presidential candidate sees daunting challenges at home and abroad

Indonesia can help keep peace in the Indo-Pacific, says Ganjar Pranowo

4.2 By Invitation | Artificial intelligence and democracy: An AI-risk expert thinks governments should act to combat disinformation

An election may already have been swayed, says Philip Fox

4.3 By Invitation | A post-populist perspective: Kyriakos Mitsotakis on how to escape the grip of populism

It requires a combination of honesty and flexibility, says Greece’s prime minister

5. Briefing

5.1 Briefing | Dissipating dreams: China’s well-to-do are under assault from every side

Their agonies at the hands of markets and the state will reshape the Chinese economy

6. Britain

6.1 Britain | A pill wind: How Britain lost its war on drugs

Blame new synthetic opioids, inadequate funding and a punitive attitude

6.2 Britain | Royal bodies: What Charles III’s illness says about monarchs and mortality

Britain responds to the king’s cancer diagnosis

6.3 Britain | Not so soft: Britain’s economy will need rate cuts sooner rather than later

Inflation is coming down but worries about growth rise

6.4 Britain | Eyes right: A tiny right-wing party tries to menace Britain’s Conservatives

Reform UK’s best opportunity yet arrives on February 15th

6.5 Britain | Remembrance row: The controversy over Britain’s planned Holocaust memorial

Wrong place, wrong design

6.6 Britain | Death to Britain, but not just yet: Iran is targeting its opponents in Britain

Iran’s regime sees London as both hunting ground and playground

6.7 Britain | Bagehot: The former prime minister who fascinates the Labour Party

Starmerites are studying a neglected former leader

7. Europe

7.1 Europe | A party in a death spiral?: A mounting crisis of confidence confronts Olaf Scholz

Germans are grouchy, the hard right is rampant and the economy sluggish

7.2 Europe | A moment in the sun: Madrid is booming. Growing while keeping its cool will be the tricky part

A southern success story

7.3 Europe | Silencing the Kremlin’s critics: Vladimir Putin extends his crackdown in Russia

Even troublesome war supporters are targeted

7.4 Europe | Return of law: Poland is trying to restore the rule of law without violating it

Donald Tusk seeks to undo a hard-right party’s capture of the state

7.5 Europe | Charlemagne: Europe is importing a solar boom. Good news for (nearly) everyone

Cheap Chinese solar modules are delivering the EU’s green promises

8. United States

8.1 United States | Poll positions: Trump’s lead over Biden may be smaller than it looks

Consider only the highest-quality national polls, and the Republican’s advantage melts away

8.2 United States | Deliberative or disgraced?: What the death of America’s border bill says about toxic congressional politics

Republicans opt for theatre instead of governance

8.3 United States | Citizen Trump: A court rejects Donald Trump’s claim to absolute immunity

The former president will now take his outlandish plea to the Supreme Court

8.4 United States | Shh! Legislation in progress: Congress might just pass an astonishingly sensible tax deal

But too much attention could scupper it

8.5 United States | Direct democracy: Florida too may have an abortion referendum in November

It could influence the presidential election. It would be an even bigger deal for abortion access

8.6 United States | Generalising : State attorneys-general are shaping national policy

Despite not being elected to do so

8.7 United States | Lexington: This is not a story about Taylor Swift and the Super Bowl

Well, maybe a little

9. Middle East & Africa

9.1 Middle East and Africa | Antony Blinken’s shuttle diplomacy: Israel scorns America’s unprecedented peace plan

Arab states offer remarkable “security guarantees” to Israel

9.2 Middle East and Africa | America’s reverse-Goldilocks strategy: Why Iran is hard to intimidate

US soldiers are a bull’s-eye target for Iranian militias

9.3 Middle East and Africa | Israel’s obstructive settlers: America is trying to peg Israel’s settlers back

But their power in politics and on the ground shows no sign of waning

9.4 Middle East and Africa | House and home: How to house the world’s fastest-growing population

About 70% of buildings needed in Africa by 2040 are not yet built

9.5 Middle East and Africa | How to stay in power: Democracy is under attack in Senegal

The election is delayed after riot police drag opposition MPs out of parliament

10. The Americas

10.1 The Americas | El Salvador: After Nayib Bukele’s crushing, unconstitutional victory, what next?

El Salvador’s “philosopher king” is already hinting at a third term

10.2 The Americas | The C word: Mexico’s president and his family are fighting claims of corruption

The truth is that Andrés Manuel López Obrador has done too little to tackle the problem in society

10.3 The Americas | Pensions bonanza: Andrés Manuel López Obrador splashes out as elections loom

The trouble is Mexico can’t pay the president’s bill

11. Asia

11.1 Asia | Indonesian politics: A controversial general is likely to be Indonesia’s next leader

Prabowo Subianto looks unfit to govern the world’s third-largest democracy

11.2 Asia | Pay the writers: South Korea’s writers and directors play Squid Game

The people behind the country’s TV and film boom are not profiting from it

11.3 Asia | Force for change: Izumi Kenta wants to shake up Japan’s opposition

The centre-left leader tells The Economist his plan for a more serious politics

11.4 Asia | G’day, goodbye: Australia’s enthusiasm for immigration is being tested

The country is trying to slash net migration

11.5 Asia | Rule of Modi: Are India’s corruption police targeting Narendra Modi’s critics?

Money-laundering raids, many on the opposition, have increased 27-fold in the past decade

11.6 Asia | Banyan: Singapore cracks down on Chinese influence

The city-state wields its foreign-interference law for the first time

12. China

12.1 China | Spend more, please: Can China’s consumers save its economy?

Our number-crunching suggests economic “rebalancing” will be exceptionally hard

12.2 China | Pay up: Protests are soaring, as China’s workers demand their wages

They are coming up with creative stunts to put pressure on companies

12.3 China | Shrouded in secrecy : An espionage case hurts Chinese relations with Australia

The mysterious story of Yang Hengjun who is now sentenced to death

12.4 China | Chaguan: Xi Jinping’s chaos-loving friends

Why is stability-obsessed China aligned with Iran, North Korea and Russia?

13. Business

13.1 Business | Discomfort level: America’s economy is booming. So why are bosses worried?

Three of the forces that propped up profits may now be weakening

13.2 Business | Out of the nick, in time: Samsung’s boss avoids prison, again

Lee Jae-yong’s acquittal will benefit him, but not necessary South Korea

13.3 Business | Team players: Media companies club together for a joint sport-streamer

Disney, Fox and Warner Bros Discovery have a new game plan

13.4 Business | Bittersweet life: Can Giorgia Meloni reinvigorate Italia SpA?

Why Italian companies find it so hard to grow

13.5 Business | Bartleby: Fairness: the hidden currency of the workplace

It animates bosses, employees and customers alike

13.6 Business | TsarGPT: Vladimir Putin wants to catch up with the West in AI

Good luck with that

13.7 Business | Schumpeter: Musk v Zuckerberg: who’s winning?

One burned billions, the other has earned them

14. Finance & economics

14.1 Finance and economics | Fanning the flames: China’s stockmarket nightmare is nowhere near over

The situation ought to worry Xi Jinping

14.2 Finance and economics | Buttonwood: The dividend is back. Are investors right to be pleased?

Why cash payments are no longer the preserve of widows and orphans

14.3 Finance and economics | Spring fever: Are NYCB’s troubles the start of another banking panic?

Probably not. But they do suggest broader problems

14.4 Finance and economics | Capital punishment: Bankers have reason to hope Trump triumphs

Will they now spend big on his campaign?

14.5 Finance and economics | Running out of road: The false promise of Indonesia’s economy

Presidential candidates vow to deliver 7% growth. Voters have heard it before

14.6 Finance and economics | Free exchange: Universities are failing to boost economic growth

Too often they generate ideas that no one knows how to use

15. Science & technology

15.1 How cheap drones are transforming warfare in Ukraine

15.2 Science and technology | Very small things: NASA’s PACE satellite will tackle the largest uncertainty in climate science

It will monitor tiny particles in Earth’s atmosphere and oceans

15.3 Science and technology | A long and winding road: The first endometriosis drug in four decades is on the horizon

At last, progress is being made on a condition that affects one woman in ten

15.4 Science and technology | They’re on a roll: Ancient, damaged Roman scrolls have been deciphered using AI

The new techniques could help rediscover lost works from antiquity

15.5 Science and technology | Baby AI: Scientists have trained an AI through the eyes of a baby

“Chair” and “ball” were among little AI’s first words

16. Culture

16.1 Culture | Chronicling the past: When is it too soon to write history?

Early accounts can stand the test of time, but they have to be riveting

16.2 Culture | Size doesn’t matter: Small, but mighty: how cuteness has taken over the world

A supposedly childish aesthetic is being taken more seriously

16.3 Culture | Labour pains: Lessons for Keir Starmer from Britain’s first Labour government

The Labour Party first took power 100 years ago

16.4 Culture | Name that toon: Chinese animated films are booming

But they would be even better if censors relaxed

16.5 Culture | Back Story: The meaning of the hysteria over Taylor Swift

It reflects the overlap of politics, conspiracy and celebrity

17. The Economist reads

17.1 The Economist reads: What to read about Pakistan

Six books provide an introduction to a troubled, nuclear-armed country

18. Economic & financial indicators

18.1 Economic data, commodities and markets

19. Obituary

19.1 Obituary | Backwards up the Khyber: Rosemary Smith set out to prove that women drivers could do as well as men

The queen of world rallying died on December 5th, aged 86